Do You See What I See

God’s grace to us is an invitation to be amazing. It’s our chance to extend to others what God has freely extended to us. But while most of us are full of something . . . it’s usually not grace. So what are you full of? And what would it take for you to give someone what they don’t expect? Or deserve?                                                        

We are the church . . . every day . . . everywhere. And we are most appealing—the church is most appealing—when grace is most apparent. Grace is our greatest opportunity to be like our Father in heaven.


Don’t Do The Math

The kingdom of God is characterized by unsettling generosity —the kind of generosity that gives the undeserving what they don’t deserve and regardless of how unright we’ve been, makes us right with God. So what do we do when we’re faced with this math that doesn’t add up? And how do we respond to this unfair, unsettling system that Jesus came to invite us into?

From our perspective, the kingdom of God will always appear upside down. We naturally compare ourselves to standards, but grace doesn’t compare. Grace is married to truth and the truth is that we all fall short of God’s standard. This week, write “GRACE > FAIR” somewhere you’ll see it to remind you of what Jesus came to do for you—and for everyone you meet.

This song was performed live at the end of Kevin’s Message.



There is an unsettling solution for just about everything, and we can sum it up in one word — grace. It’s the undeserved, unearned, unearnable favor that Jesus came to offer us. So why wouldn’t we want Christianity to be true? And where should you start if it’s a word that was never part of the equation for you?                              

 Like life, grace is not fair. Over and over Jesus leaned into and toward unrepentant sinners. He leaned toward guilty people. It was a new category. It was grace. In the person of Jesus, there was a new covenant maker in town.

PART 7 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

Where Does It All Come From

Sometimes people walk away from faith because they have little investment in it.
It's the same reason that people aren't committed to free Gym memberships or value things that have cost them nothing.
We are wired to value our money and to have our hearts follow our treasure.
This week we look at tithing and how it relates to new covenant Christians.

PART 6 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

When Leadership Hurts People

We get hurt in relationships and that is an unfortunate reality; especially in the context of the local church.

However, when we are hurt by leadership in the church, that can usually be more than we can bare and most of the time we will withdraw from the church and begin to doubt to God.

In this message we look at Matthew 23:1-12 where Jesus teaches his disciples about what a leader (what a follower of Christ) should look like. And we have to ask ourselves the question; are these characteristics true of me; because if they are not, people around me will get hurt.

PART 5 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

When People Hurt You

Dr. Henry Cloud states, “almost of our troubles in this world come from three sources…. People, People and People.”

In this life it is not a matter of “if” we will be hurt by someone, it is just a matter of when.

When we are hurt by people, especially in a church setting it is understandable why people doubt and walk away from faith, walk away from the church.

But if being hurt is inevitable what should our response be?

In this message and in next week’s message we begin to unpack this reality.

This video was played at the end of Kevin’s message.

We Are The Body Written by Mandi Mapes Perfromed by Brook Hills Music Vocals by Mandi Mapes On "The God We Praise" 2010 The Church At Brook Hills Brook Hills Music.

PART 4 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

Stupid Theology

Life has many ups and downs with often more questions than answers. Sometimes even the answers we think we have, the ones we've developed through inaccurate theologies, prove themselves to be untrue.

Peace comes when we rest in the fact that Jesus is who he says he is.


Lynn Anderson preforms her signature hit single 'I Beg Your Pardon (I Never Promised You A Rose Garden)' in 1973.

This video was played at the end of Kevin’s message.

Casting Crowns performs Praise You In This Storm


The Bridge Community Church is actively involved in both Local and International Missions.

A number of years ago The Bridge was introduced to Tricia DeBoer, a missionary serving in Uganda. Since that introduction The Bridge has been supporting Tricia who is now part of an incredible Organization called, I LIVE AGAIN UGANDA. For more information about I Live Again, please click here.

On Sunday, October 20th, we were blessed to have Tricia and 3 other members from I Live Again Uganda come to The Bridge to share stories and testimonies of how God is using them.

As you listen, we pray that you are as encouraged and challenged as we were to hear what God is doing through these remarkable servants.

PART 3 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

You Will Rule It, Or It Will Rule You

In this message we address a dynamic of life that we all face. This little slice of life, this dynamic, has the potential to determine, not influence, but determine the direction and the quality of your life.

It is so powerful, it will over power your prayers, it has the potential to overpower your worship, it has the potential to overpower your commitment to Christ.

This dynamic has the potential to determine the direction and the quality of your life.

It is the thing that shipwrecks and sidelines more individuals that anything else.

You will either rule it, or it will rule you.

PART 2 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

Doubt - When God Does Not Cooperate

We've all seen athletes point to heaven after touchdowns or home runs. And we've heard actors thank God during their acceptance speeches. We know God can be glorified in our moments of success. But what about moments of weakness? How do we keep going when our circumstances are crippling and God seems to be saying, "No"? In this message, wee look at what God has promised to provide - even when it's not his cooperation. 2 Corinthians 12:6-10

PART 1 - DON'T GIVE UP ON THE KINGDOM - What to do when a crisis of faith hits us?

A Case For Doubt

Doubt is something many of us deal with when it comes to our faith. There are many good reasons for us have doubts. However, if we give Jesus the benefit of doubt, we will find him to be true.

Big Daddy Weave - I Know (Lyric Video) New Release | Sept 13, 2019

This video was played at the end of Kevin’s message.

PART 11 - AUTHENTIC FAITH - Real Faith for Real Life

Prayer That Avails Much

Could it be that there is more to prayer than we thought? James who was known as “Old Camel Knees” because of the callouses on his knees; chooses to close his letter to the early church exhorting them in prayer. And, two thousand years ago, Jesus pulled his disciples aside and taught them to pray. In examining what James says and Jesus’ instructions, we find a disconnect between their teaching and the way we typically approach prayer. We discover that there are some things about prayer we think are important but aren't; and there are some things we don't think are important that are.James 5:13-20

PART 9 - AUTHENTIC FAITH - Real Faith for Real Life

If I Were A Rich Man

God is not happy with those who have more than they need and hoard what they have. Why do we have more than we need? God expects us to share. Everyone leaves their money when they die, God wants us to give it while we are alive. James 5:1-6

I COULD HAVE DONE MORE The film Schindler's’ List.

This Video was played at the end of Steve’s Message.