Annual General Meeting
Location: The Bridge Community Church
Time: Potluck dinner at 5:30pm, meeting at 6:30pm
Location: The Bridge Community Church
Time: Potluck dinner at 5:30pm, meeting at 6:30pm
Please join The Switch Yard in celebrating another year of God's work and provision!
Date: Saturday, March 7th
Time: 8:30 AM
Location: Bancroft Bible Chapel, 106 Hastings Street N, Bancroft
Cost: $7/person or $25/family
For more information, contact Dillon Campbell by email at
Bring your friends, to our annual Girls Night Out Trivia night!
Sign-up teams of 4 by emailing and see if your team can win the coveted GNO trophy.
Beverages and snacks provided.
All ladies are welcome!
Join us after the morning service for a potluck lunch; everyone is welcome!
Bring your favourite main dish or dessert to share.
Mug-A-Lunch is a monthly gathering of the Bridge family from November to April.
Join us following our morning service for lunch and an afternoon of fun!
Outdoor activities, campfire, snow tubing (helmets must be worn) and lots more.
Lunch is provided.
An evening that focuses on worshiping God through music and waiting for Him to lead and speak to us. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please note: There is no childcare offered during this service.
In a society where money has a profound impact on everyone’s lives, and the majority of people worry about their finances (50% – Conference Board of Canada, 2013), it is vital to have a basic understanding of money management. The CAP Money Course is a revolutionary money management course that gives participants the opportunity to learn skills that have a lasting impact on their finances.
Please join Jilaine, Lisa, Erin and Steve on January 16th, at the Bridge at 7 pm for this 4-week course, January 16th to February 6th.
Join us at the Bridge for our Christmas Eve service. Everyone is welcome!
We invite everyone to join us on Sunday, December 22nd for the BridgeKidz Christmas presentation, starting at 10 am. This a great service to invite your family and friends to attend. Following the service, we will have our Christmas Mug-A-Lunch and hope that you will bring a dish to share and stay for lunch.
Make the Bancroft Pregnancy Care Centre your first stop for Christmas baking this year!
Purchase pre-made treat trays, pies, cheesecakes, cakes and more! All proceeds support families in the community who use the services offered by the BPCC.
Trays can be pre-ordered by contacting by call/text 613-332-4673 or email by Wednesday, December 4th. Medium trays (50 treats) $30, Large trays (100 treats) $50.
RSVP by October 1, 2019
Register a team of 4 for only $60/person (cost includes 9 holes, cart, and BBQ dinner)
Register for dinner for $15/person
Registration starts at 12:30pm. Best ball tournament with shotgun starting at 1:30pm. Dinner at 5pm.
To register, or for more information contact Dillon Campbell by email or by phone at 613-332-3108.
All funds raised go towards the Switch Yard’s Fusion Youth program.
A gathering to celebrate fall, fun and community.
Come for an afternoon of games and activities and stay for a delicious dinner. More details to come.
Join us for our annual baptism service. If you wish to be baptized, please contact Steve or speak with one of the Elders.
Date: Sunday, August 18, 2019
Location: Waterhouse Beach (across from the airport)
BBQ to follow
An evening to raise funds for the upcoming Cuba trip in August.
Dinner and dessert auction. Everyone is welcome!
Every Sunday evening, in Millennium Park. Hosted by a different church each week.
Bring your lawn chair, everyone is welcome!