Interactive Women's Bible Study
Welcome to The Bridge Community Church’s Interactive Women’s Bible Study.
With our busy schedules and many responsibilities, it is sometimes hard to fit in one more thing. As such, gathering together for fellowship, friendship and fun may get pushed aside when life gets too hectic. It was in response to this that the idea for an Interactive Women’s Bible Study was born. In this forum, members can work through the material at their own pace, share their ideas when when they have time, and connect with God and each other in meaningful conversation.
Please join us by clicking on the study you are interested in. Also, please feel free to leave us a Prayer Request by clicking on the button below.
Many Blessings,
Erin Robinson
My ideal day off would begin slowly, coffee in hand and my thoughts to myself. I am a deep thinker and I need these moments alone to contemplate the mysteries of God’s word and to pray. My husband would join me for my (second) cup and we would talk about nothing in particular. It would be a foggy day on the shores of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia and we would eventually make plans to explore a new, or well-loved, location. With our children, friends and loved ones in tow we would begin grand adventures: quahog-ing, clam digging, picking mussels or blueberries, and incorporating lobster and fish into our meals at every opportunity. I am a passionate woman with salt water in my veins. I may not be a fisherman but God has called me to be a fisher of men. Starting small, starting at home, starting with the people that I love.