to Mar 30

No Ordinary Family

Please join us for our series “NO ORDINARY FAMILY”.

In an increasingly fragmented world, it's vital to rediscover the bonds that unite us as believers. This series we will look at God's family, the church. Together we will look at themes of love, belonging, purpose, and legacy. We'll explore how these principles apply to our individual families, the church community, and our roles in the wider world. Through this series, we hope to strengthen our connections with one another and with God, fostering a deeper understanding of our identity as members of His family.

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to Dec 29

God With Us

You’re not alone. 

We encourage you to join us as together we walk through this Christmas Season with the reminder that God is with us in every moment. 

He’s with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. 

As we enter the Christmas season, it is our prayer and hope that, “God With Us” provides an inspirational reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth.

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to Nov 24


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Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we're longing for? Together, let’s discover A Better Way.

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to Jun 30


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Investigating Jesus

Little did Lukle know that of the many accounts of the life of Jesus, his would be one of the four that survived. It's worth asking, worth INVESTIGATING his account.

This series was originally created by Andy Stanley and North Point Church.

Join us as we journey through the Book of Luke.

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to May 12


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We often define our lives by the big moments. But most of our lives consist of ordinary chapters. They may not feel significant, but ultimately end up changing everything. In our new series, The Book of Ruth, we'll discover the hidden beauty of life’s small moments. 

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to Mar 31


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We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song.

This series leading into Good Friday and Easter Sunday examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter story. 

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to Feb 11

The Power To Change

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Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, trying to change, but not actually changing. It’s possible to find The Power to Change so you can start living the life you want.

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to Dec 24

The Gift

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Christmas Series “THE GIFT”

In this Christmas Series our attention will be drawn back to the true meaning of the holiday season. By highlighting the significance of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus - gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In this series we will connect the symbolism within the story of Christ’s birth to their relationship with Jesus.

We hope you can join us for this series as together we gain some new insight on the birth of Jesus and gain a deeper understanding of who He is. 

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to Nov 26


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If you were to describe life in just six words, what words would you choose? This sermon series captures how the best-selling book of all time (the Bible) might describe life in six words, from Genesis to Revelation.

God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. Life.

Journey through the Gospel—six words built out into six statements that tell the most important story ever told. The Gospel changes everything!

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to Oct 15

Doubting God

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It’s easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it’s not. God isn’t afraid of our doubts, so we don’t have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we’re creating a space for the questions we’ve been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith. 

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to Aug 13

Peace Of Mind

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In Peace of Mind, we will look at how some familiar names in scripture dealt with many of the same struggles we face today. We’ll learn how they overcame those struggles not through their own strength, but by depending on God.

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to Apr 9



The message of Jesus was fueled by a radical new ethic of love. This radical love that Jesus offers is available to us, but do we truly know it and live it?

The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in human history and yet it might surprise you that it has nothing to do with religion. It is actually much bigger than that. And it has a lesson for our everyday lives.

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to Jun 30


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Scripture tells us that the early church turned the world upside down because they DEVOTED themselves to the Apostles’ Teaching, Prayer, Community, Remembering Their Lord and Saviour, and to Radical Generosity - Acts 2:42-47. The word DEVOTED means to be fully immersed - ALL IN.

In this series we are moving slowly, through what it means to be ALL IN in these key areas of Teaching, Prayer, Community, Communion and Radical Generosity. As we journey through this series we are asking the questions - What does it mean for us as a Faith Community to be ALL IN? What does it practically look like, as we engage life day to day, for us as a Faith Community to be ALL-IN ?

For the Early Church being ALL IN , focusing on these defining characteristics changed their world! We believe it can happen again.

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to Dec 24

The Wonder of Christmas

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In this Christmas series we want to reveal thoughtful perspectives on the joy of the wise men’s journey, the peace found in the Good Shepherd, the hope promised in the prophecies of Jesus’ birth, the love of God revealed in Gabriel’s message to Mary, and the messy place where Jesus first entered our world; this series points to the miracle of Christmas and God’s desire to be in relationship with us. We invite you to join us as together we ponder THE WONDER OF CHRISTMAS.

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to Aug 28


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Sometimes life can leave us feeling like a mess. The kind of mess that’s just too complicated to figure out. But it’s possible to start fresh. To experience life in a new way. Discover how in our new message series, Deep Clean.

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to Mar 13


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There’s no denying we’re in a season of conflict and chaos—but the noise in our news feeds doesn’t have to pollute our souls. We can find peace.Wecan find hope. We can trust in the One who holds the future in His hands.

The reality is that before 2020 our world was already complicated. In the past 2 years there has been a global pandemic, increase in social unrest, increase in natural disasters, increased stress on the economy and people are more overwhelmed than ever before. We’re stressed. Worried. Divided. Many of our relationships have reached the breaking point over politics, masks, vaccines and the list could go on. During this season of relentless chaos, and conflict, who can we believe? What do we know is actually true? Where do we put our trust?

This series will cut through the noise and give us a lifeline of hope. Each week we will be reminded where our hope truly lies, and be given some simple yet practical tools to begin to heal our anxiety, restore relationships, and be a light in a dark and challenging time.

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to Feb 13


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When we ask ourselves the right questions, answer honestly, then act appropriately, we make better decisions with fewer regrets. But what are the questions we should be asking? Join us as together we look at 5 questions that will help all of us to live with BETTER DECISIONS AND FEWER REGRETS.

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to Dec 26


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Moments of peace are precious. When we find them, we hold on tight and pray they last. But there's a peace that goes beyond our understanding—beyond the pain and fear we face today. If you've been Missing Peace, come discover it with us.

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to Nov 21


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In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worsh

In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.

In this series, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic faith. We will also gain an understanding of the roadblocks Jesus wants to remove from our spiritual walks as well as a renewed passion for a legitimate relationship with him.

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to Aug 29


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In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.

In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.

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to Aug 1


Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

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to Jun 27


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MOMENTUMThe average human life is lived in 36,792,000 minutes. That is a significant amount of time but it's impossible to make the most out of each living minute. Instead of getting hung up managing our minutes, we can embrace the gift we've been given to manage our moments.God has given each one of us the gift of choice and that gift can not be taken from us. Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were allowed to make a choice in a very significant moment that would forever mark their story. God knew that their choice would lead them to death but He didn't take it away from them. With each moment that presents itself, we have the opportunity to use our gift to choose death or life.Join us, as together we explore the stories found in scripture to see how when moments were presented it wasn't the impact of the minutes lived but rather the significant choices made at that moment that determined the make or break in the outcome of someone's story. As we journey through this series, we hope that the overwhelming power of God's gift to you will give you the strength to grow stronger in the awareness of the moment and not getting lost in the minutes.


The average human life is lived in 36,792,000 minutes. That is a significant amount of time but it's impossible to make the most out of each living minute. Instead of getting hung up managing our minutes, we can embrace the gift we've been given to manage our moments.

God has given each one of us the gift of choice and that gift can not be taken from us. Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were allowed to make a choice in a very significant moment that would forever mark their story. God knew that their choice would lead them to death but He didn't take it away from them. With each moment that presents itself, we have the opportunity to use our gift to choose death or life.

Join us, as together we explore the stories found in scripture to see how when moments were presented it wasn't the impact of the minutes lived but rather the significant choices made at that moment that determined the make or break in the outcome of someone's story. As we journey through this series, we hope that the overwhelming power of God's gift to you will give you the strength to grow stronger in the awareness of the moment and not getting lost in the minutes.

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to Apr 4


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YOU’RE NOT FARAt some point, we've all felt far from God. But if Jesus was correct . . . and I always assume he was . . . God is closer than you think.  Perhaps more importantly, God is closer than your neighbor, your boss, your roommate, and your c…


At some point, we've all felt far from God. But if Jesus was correct . . . and I always assume he was . . . God is closer than you think.

Perhaps more importantly, God is closer than your neighbor, your boss, your roommate, and your cousin think.

Join us as together we journey through the Gospel of Mark to see how Peter reveals to us that no matter where you are, when it comes to a relationship with Jesus - YOU’RE NOT FAR.

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to Feb 7


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HOPE IN THE DARKCan God be good when life is not?When life hits hard, it plunges us into a sea of questions we hoped we'd never have to ask. But when you feel broken, abandoned, and struggling to find answers, there's a beacon in the storm. A messag…


Can God be good when life is not?

When life hits hard, it plunges us into a sea of questions we hoped we'd never have to ask. But when you feel broken, abandoned, and struggling to find answers, there's a beacon in the storm. A message series focusing on the book of Habakkuk, Hope in the Dark shows us how we can cling to God even when our circumstances are overwhelming because He will carry us through the storm.

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to Jan 17


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RE:SOLUTIONWhat breaks your heart? What would you want people lining up to thank you for at the end of your life? In this 3-part series, we look at how we can make a RE:SOLUTION that really does make a difference.


What breaks your heart?
What would you want people lining up to thank you for at the end of your life? In this 3-part series, we look at how we can make a
 RE:SOLUTION that really does make a difference.

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to Dec 24


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Fear attacks us right where our faith lives and keeps us from stepping into the plans God has for us. Fear Not helps us overcome fear and transform it into faith and obedience. With messages on the angels' visits to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, …

Fear attacks us right where our faith lives and keeps us from stepping into the plans God has for us. Fear Not helps us overcome fear and transform it into faith and obedience. With messages on the angels' visits to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, Fear Not assures us that God will always give us the guidance we need to reject fear.

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to Dec 6


“We’ve become tamed by tradition, captivated by culture, and controlled by our desire to fit in, not make waves, and never offend anyone. We’ve been domesticated instead of being discipled.

In the Great Commission Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations,” but we can’t make disciples until we are disciples. We can’t make a difference until we are different.” - Rick Warren - Foreword for UNTAMED - reactivating a missional form of discipleship.

Join us for this series “CHANGE THE WORLD” as together we look at what it means to engage in MISSIONAL DISCIPLESHIP.

“The fact is that you can’t be a disciple without being a missionary: no mission, no discipleship. It’s as simple as that”. - Alan Hirsh - UNTAMED - reactivating a missional form of discipleship

“The fact is that you can’t be a disciple without being a missionary: no mission, no discipleship. It’s as simple as that”. - Alan Hirsh - UNTAMED - reactivating a missional form of discipleship

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to Aug 9


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For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  2 Peter 1:5-8

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