BRIDGE KidZ -  a Family Ministry……. 

Our Hope for our KidZ is that they would Love Jesus with all of their Hearts Minds and Souls. The Bible tells us, in Deuteronomy 11:19, that we should teach our children as we are going about our everyday lives. The Bible also tells in Luke 2:52 that Jesus grew up gaining favour with God and man. As we look to Christ, as our example, and we choose follow Jesus, we hope our young people will CHOOSE the same.

Church is at home! Click on the links below to follow to LifeChurch at home; a free resources for Church at home!!!! Have fun worshiping as a family!

BridgeKidz Videos:

Kid's Church: For the BridgeKidz families, this week's kids' church video is available and you can watch the video here.

information contact Amy at –