Your Guideline to the Bible Study
The format of this Bible Study will be familiar to most, however, for this study you will have more time to complete the reading and related assignments. You will have two weeks to complete one week’s worth of homework - try to set aside 30 minutes of study time every day.
Every second Monday the video for the week will be posted for you to watch before completing the exercises in your book. As you work through each day of the study, check the website for personal commentary and Conversation Starters based on the reading.
New commentary and Conversation Starters will be posted following this schedule: Day 1 Monday, Day 2 Wednesday, Day 3 Friday, Day 4 Tuesday (of the following week), Day 5 Thursday.
It is our hope that you will comment often on the material you are studying. Please share your thoughts, feelings, stories, opinions, and of course questions with the group.
Should you have a question, or if you see something that needs to be flagged, please email one of the administrators and we will look into it as soon as possible.
We ask the you keep the following Rules of Engagement in mind. Please…
○ be kind to each other
○ keep this forum is a place free of judgment
○ engage in an interactive conversation with other members of the group
○ use the link at the bottom of the commentary to leave us a Prayer Request (Prayer Requests can remain anonymous)
○ have fun!