PART 7 - AUTHENTIC FAITH - Real Faith for Real Life

Who Is Your Friend?

I have always said, “show me your friends and I will show you your future.” In this passage James says show me who your friends really are and I will show you why you are in the situation you are in. As hard as it is for us to accept, James’ words still ring true today; if we are friends with the world we are missing out on God’s best for us. And God is really for us. .The question is can we apply what James instructs to so that we are in a position to receive the best God has for us? James 4:4-12

PART 6 - AUTHENTIC FAITH - Real Faith for Real Life

God Loves You, But I’m Not So Sure

What is the source of conflict in our relationships? We tend to blame problems on the circumstances that hurt us without taking any responsibility ourselves. Yet, are others to blame for our unhappiness or discontent? God is the source of everything we need and all we have to do is ask Him for his help. James 4:1-3

PART 5 - CONNECTED - Removing The Obstacles That Hinder Intimacy With God

Remember Who You Are

Who we are in God, how God sees us is crucial in our ability to connecting with God.

In this message we look at the story of Gideon and learn lessons from his story that we can apply to our own lives about our identity and how God sees us and how that effects our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

PART 3 - CONNECTED - Removing The Obstacles That Hinder Intimacy With God

Fatal Distractions - II

Busyness is another enemy of intimacy with God. Knowing God requires that we give Him "un-rushed" time and our undivided attention. If we are too busy to spend time each day with our heavenly father, we've lost perspective. Are we willing to re-prioritize our lives to invest in things with a long-term benefit? 

PART 2 - CONNECTED - Removing The Obstacles That Hinder Intimacy With God

Fatal Distractions - I

We have a Heavenly Father who desires to have an intimate relationship with us, a relationship in which we can be fully known with no fear of rejection. But what stops us? What are obstacles the hinder that relationship.

In this message we start to unpack some of the obstacles that hinder a close relationship with God.

Zach Williams performs "To the Table" live.

This video was played before Kevin’s Message.

PART 1 - CONNECTED - Removing The Obstacles That Hinder Intimacy With God

Somebody Is At The Door

We have a Heavenly Father who desires to have an intimate relationship with us, a relationship in which we can be fully known with no fear of rejection.

Scripture: John 15:5, John 5:19, Revelations 3:20, Genesis 1:26-28, Revelation 21:1-4

In this skit, packed with humor and depth, The Skit Guys dig into what the Serenity Prayer is all about. As one man prays the prayer, God challenges him to understand what the words actually mean, and to actually mean the words he says. This video was used prior to the interview.