Part 1 - Stand Alone

If you were raised on a version of Christianity that relied on the Bible as the foundation of faith, a version that was eventually dismantled by academia or the realities of life, maybe it’s time for you to change your mind about Jesus. Maybe it’s time for you to consider the version of Christianity that relies on the event of the resurrection of Jesus as its foundation. If you gave up your faith because of something about or in the Bible, maybe you gave up unnecessarily.

When you lose your fear of death, all fear is gone. The disciples’ hope was not in the Scriptures, but what they had seen and heard. The reason for our faith in Jesus—and thus our hope—is the resurrection. We must reclaim this hope for the sake of the generation that left faith and the next generation as well. So if you gave up on Christianity because of something in the Bible or something about the Bible, maybe it’s time to step back onto the firm foundation of our first- century friends, placing your confidence in the event that started it all.


Africa Arise and I Live Again Uganda

The Bridge supports Tricia DeBoer who serves as a Missionary in Uganda working with the Acholi Tribe. On Sunday April 14th, Steve Brethour and Bill Scholfield traveled to Uganda to see first hand the work that Tricia is doing there as she serves in the Acholi Quarter and works with “I Live Again Uganda”, in Gulu. This is a report from that trip…


Part 9 - The One Commandments

Jesus didn’t come to initiate Judaism 2.0. He came to offer something entirely new to the world: a new covenant that would forever change humankind’s relationship with God. And with that new covenant came a new ethic—one that insisted that the greatest choose the back of the line.

Scripture - John 11:57; 12:12; Luke 22:6; Matthew 22:15–16, 24–25, 33–40; John 13:34–35; Ephesians 4:32; 1 Corinthians 13:4–5; Philippians 2:5; Ephesians 5:1–2; John 13:34

Discussion Questions


Part 8 - The New Covenant

The words “unlimited” and “unconditional” make us suspicious. Whether those words describe an insurance policy, cellphone agreement, we assume unlimited is really limited and unconditional has some conditions. That suspicion extends to our relationship with God. Unconditional love? Unlimited forgiveness? There must be a catch. But what if there isn’t?

Scripture - John 11:57; 12:12; Luke 22:6; Matthew 22:15–16, 24–25, 33–40; John 13:34–35; Ephesians 4:32; 1 Corinthians 13:4–5; Philippians 2:5; Ephesians 5:1–2; John 13:34

Discussion Questions


Part 7 - Leading Great

Jesus introduced the most powerful, transformational, and inspirational leadership principle on the planet. Every leader you respect practices it. The leaders you don’t respect don’t practice it. You can lead without it, but you won’t be a leader worth following unless you embrace it.

Scripture - John 11:46–48, 53–54; 12:9–12, 19; 13:4, 8, 13–17; Mark 10:32–38, 41–45

Discussion Questions


Part 6 - Nic At Night

Jesus claimed to be greater than the temple. He made the temple obsolete. Most of his followers assumed his end game was to declare himself king. The more discerning among them sensed something else was going on. Jesus spoke with authority but refused to take charge. He wielded extraordinary power, but never for himself. What was he up to?

Zach Williams performs "To the Table" . This video was played at the end of Steve’s message.

Scripture - John 3:1–10, 14–15; John 3:16–17

Discussion Questions


Part 5 - Greater Indeed

Something in us is tempted to believe God loves his law more than his people. We’re tempted to prioritize rules over people. Maybe you left church because somebody prioritized the Bible over your divorced mother or gay brother. But Jesus came to offer us a life greater than keeping religious rules.

This video was played at the end of Kevin’s Message.

Scripture - Matthew 5:17; 7:28–29; 12:1–2; Mark 2:27; Matthew 12:6; Mark 13:1–4; 1 Corinthians 6:19

Discussion Questions


Part 4 - New World Order

If you are not a particularly religious person or you used to be and walked away from that, I’m confident you have a good reason. After all, you are a reasonable person. As a reasonable person, I want to give you a reason to reconsider Jesus. Jesus came to introduce something brand-new… to the world, for the world.

Against all odds, a band of Jewish blasphemers were following a crucified teacher with…

No territory – No military – No sacred texts

Scripture - John 1:29; Luke 4:14–15; 7:16; 6:20; Matthew 5:13–14, 16–18, 21–22; 7:12, 28–29; 12:6; 28:18–20

Discussion Questions


Part 2 - For The World

“Might makes right” is the default setting for the world. Those with wealth and power write the rules, and they usually write them to favor themselves. That was true in Jesus’ time as well. But he came to turn everything upside down.

Jesus established a new, upside down kingdom. Power would be leveraged for the powerless. Wealth would be leveraged for those in need. Influence would be leveraged for those without a voice. The first would be last and the last would be first. 

Scripture: Matthew 3:14; 4:1–10; Luke 4:13–14; Mark 10:45; Luke 9:25

Discussion Questions


Part 1 - For The World

Jesus didn’t come to extend an old religion. He didn’t come to just clarify old truths. He didn’t come to just preach sermons and offer wise teachings. From the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would give birth to a son whose “kingdom would never end,” it was clear: Jesus would do something new for the world.


Scripture: Luke 3:1–2; Matthew 3:5–6; John 1:7–9, 15, 17, 19–27; Matthew 3:7–8; John 1:28–29

Discussion Questions