The Armor of God Week 5: The Shield of Faith

Week 5

Day One – Monday, November 26th

Faith is acting like you believe that God is telling the Truth (pg. 27). Let’s just pause right here…let that sink in deeply. Do you believe God’s word is true? That His promises are for you?

I have a friend at Ellel, the center in Westport where I volunteer, and she has a faith filled face. Do you know what I mean? One of those faces that actually glows because of her relationship with the Lord. I have often been jealous of her faith filled face, and wondered how she got it. Some time ago it occurred to me that she got her faith filled face because she took God at His word and did what was asked of her. If repentance was necessary, she repented. If forgiveness was necessary, she forgave. If applying difficult scriptures to her life was necessary, application was made. She emptied herself through obedience day in and day out, and as a result, she has a faith filled face.

It has hit me hard this week that faith is not passive, it is very active! Obedience to the word of God is the catalyst that takes our belief in the word of God and releases us into an action filled faith that causes our faces to glow.

It was also a very humbling moment to realize that I still have trust issues with the Lord. My face is less faith filled because I have mistrust in my heart towards the promises of God. I believe the Word of God to be true and could tell you many of the promises found in His word, but my life and my face are less faith filled because I haven’t been as readily obedient as my dear friend at Ellel.

Actionable Intel


Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe. As I put into practice my actionable intel for this week, I have been challenged to put my money where my mouth is. I will obey the things the Lord is telling me to do, I will have Faith that acts like I believe that God is telling the truth.

Conversation Starter

Do you have a faith filled face? Are there areas of your life where you need to live like you believe God is telling the truth?