From elementary school through high school, many of us had ideas of what the perfect relationship would look like in the future. While those dreams may not represent our current reality, a step in the right direction could be to follow the apostle Paul’s advice—move from our childish ways and start being grownups.
If becoming the right kind of person is key to a great relationship, how do you do that? Is there something you can do to prepare? Does it just happen? Sure, we’re supposed to love others, but what does that really mean? Let’s lean in and read the fine print.
In relationships, we often believe if we find the right person it will make everything right. So we ask ourselves, “Is this the right person for me?” Maybe we need to be asking a different question—a question that shifts our focus from seeking the right kind of person to becoming the right kind of person.
In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.
In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.
In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.
In a cynical world, it’s easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let’s learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.
Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.
We are starting a new series entitled - “WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR MIND”.
In preparation for that series we ask that you watch this video from Louie Giglio:
The average human life is lived in 36,792,000 minutes. That is a significant amount of time but it's impossible to make the most out of each living minute. Instead of getting hung up managing our minutes, we can embrace the gift we've been given to manage our moments.
God has given each one of us the gift of choice and that gift can not be taken from us. Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were allowed to make a choice in a very significant moment that would forever mark their story. God knew that their choice would lead them to death but He didn't take it away from them. With each moment that presents itself, we have the opportunity to use our gift to choose death or life.
Join us, as together we explore the stories found in scripture to see how when moments were presented it wasn't the impact of the minutes lived but rather the significant choices made at that moment that determined the make or break in the outcome of someone's story. As we journey through this series, we hope that the overwhelming power of God's gift to you will give you the strength to grow stronger in the awareness of the moment and not getting lost in the minutes.